Why You Should Walk Daily.

Bright Anthony
2 min readMar 20, 2021
Phpto credit : Lukas Rychvalsky@pexels

Amidst the plethora of weight-loss and fitness advice out there, one of the unpopular tip for staying fit is walking. The reason for this isn’t farfetched because we see walking as ordinary or something we do every day.

Because of civilization and technological developments, we walk less compared to before, the results of which are bulging waistline, low energy , weak legs, cloudy heads to mention a few.

Walking is an exercise that can be done daily, apart from the weight loss benefits it comes with, walking has many other benefits like

Boosting creativity.

Clearing our minds.

Boosting our moods.

Clearing our heads.

Strengthening the heart and many other benefits.

Walking is a gift that should be enjoyed daily, walking aids self communication, it helps you go over your day as you reflect while walking. Walking, if properly harnessed, can serve as a replacement for rigorous exercise for weight-loss.

Walking doesn’t require any instrument, gadgets or clothing, its simplicity makes it easy for anyone to engage in it.

Tips To Aid Your Walking.

. Walk only in areas designated for pedestrians.

.Walk in the morning or in the evening.

.Make sure your shoes are comfortable.

.Release your clothing, i.e., ties, belts, etc.

.Download a step counter app in your phone or get a pedometer to record your efforts and monitor your progress.

.If your daily commute is far, you can alight 30mins to your stop and complete the journey on foot.

.If you drive daily, park your car far from the office, so you can complete the journey on foot.

.Try to run errands on foot.

.Walk up to 6000–10000 steps daily

Walking is an activity that is packed with many benefits. Personally, it helps me maintain my body weight, clear my thoughts, and sometimes reflect over my day.

Wishing you love, peace and success.



Bright Anthony

Writer. Poet. Psychology graduate. Multipotentialite.